Useful Phone Numbers

Gillmore Security – Main (440) 232-1000
Gillmore Security – Alarm Drop (440) 232-6458
Appliance Repair
Advance Refrigeration (440) 461-9066
Complete Appliance (440) 449-5886
Heights Appliance (440) 473-7416
Heating/Air Conditioning Repairs
Comfort Systems (440) 248-9144
Verne & Hann (216) 932-9755
W.F. Hann (216) 221-8000
HAVSCO (440) 439-8900
P.K. Wadsworth (440) 248-2100
Livery Services
Cleveland Auto Livery (216) 421-1101
Maxi-Taxi (216) 870-0062
New York Times (800) 631-2500
Plain Dealer (216) 999-6000
Wall Street Journal (800) 568-7625
Plumbing Repairs
Dano Plumbing (440) 449-5871
Verne & Ellsworth Hann (216) 932-9755
W.F. Hann (216) 875-5086
Valet Service
Now Valet (216) 749-7755


*Please note that this listing does not imply an endorsement of any of these businesses by Three Village Management, Board of Directors or First Realty Property Management, Ltd. It is included as a convenience. The names listed have provided satisfactory service in the past to owners of Three Village.